1984 Alvey Committee –
Dr. Thomas participated in 3-day meeting to decide Man-Machine Interface policy.


The Inner London Education Authority- Learning Resources Group –
discussions on in-service learning-to-learn curriculum for teacher training.

Dr. Harri-Augstein University of Reading staff seminar:-
A learning-to-learn approach to language learning.”

Also, address to 6th Form, Northwood School on learning-to-learn.

1985   Dr. Harri-Augstein with a CSHL postgraduate student:
2-day course on Learning-to-learn for Air Traffic Controllers at the International School of Civil Aviation, Toulouse, France.

Dr. Thomas was programme organiser for the Sixth International Personal Construct Psychology Congress.

Dr. Thomas gave a presentation to the Royal Statistical Society on cluster analysis procedures for repertory grids.

Also a talk on Learning Shells and Intelligent Learning Environments to an I.C.L. seminar on Man/Computer interaction.

1986 Dr. Harri-Augstein appointed a reviewer for the British Journal of Educational Research.

Dr. Thomas and Dr. Harri-Augstein appointed members of the Royal Mail Post Office National Steering Committee on Supervisor Effectiveness.

1987 Dr. Thomas contributed to a workshop at Bisham Abbey for the Association of National Athletics Coaches.

1988 Honorary Professorships for both Dr. Thomas and Dr. Harri-Augstein at U.A.M. Mexico as monitors and advisors, at a distance, on university staff development and teacher training programmes.


1989 Dr. Thomas and Dr. Harri-Augstein took major roles in the Dartington Hall Conference on “Imagination, Discipline and Education”.

Dr. Thomas and Dr. Harri-Augstein were after-dinner speakers at The British Institute of Management in the Autumn.

Dr. Thomas was accredited by the Association of Sports Psychologists.

Dr. Thomas and Dr. Harri-Augstein were elected to the Association for Management Education and Development.

1990   Dr. Thomas was made Honorary Professor at Clayton University, U.S.A. in memory of Carl Rogers.


Visitors To The Centre (CSHL)

A large number of people have visited the Centre. Some spent several days familiarising themselves with the work and approach of CSHL. The following is a selection shown in chronological order from 1985 to 1991.

  • Jane Armstrong, Methuen & Co. Ltd.
  • John Baker, Assistant Director Training – Post Office
  • Mike Smith, UMIST
  • Alan Lister, Manpower Services Commission
  • Fred Russell, ICL University Research Council
  • Eric Metcalf, Student Counsellor, Wellington, New Zealand
  • Tony Lee Yick-Pang, City Polytechnic, Hong Kong
  • Elohin Jimenez, National Institute, Mexico
  • Michael Pembroke, Australian Institute of Management
  • Celia Roberts, Reader in Educational Studies, Ealing College
  • Head of Pedagogical Research, University of Verona, Italy
  • Janak, Yugoslavia
  • David Hemery, Development Programme for National Athletics Coaching
  • Tom Hinds, Director of Education, Hillingdon
  • Geoff Gleeson, Director, British Association of National Coaches
  • Stuart Hutton, Senior Social Worker
  • Pillai, Technical Teachers Training Inst. Madras, India
  • Fin Tschudi, Norway
  • Mrs Anne Heflinger, Vanderbilt University, Tennessee, USA
  • Philip Moorhouse, Ernst & Whitney
  • George Webster, Director of the Institute of Training & Development
  • D. Shearer, South Australian College of Advanced Education
  • M. Meyler, University of Adelaide, Australia
  • E. Booth, School of Education, University of Leicester
  • Vice Chancellor of the University of South India
  • Caroline Graham, Laurenthian Life Assurance Co. Ltd.
  • M.P.C. Mammali, Romania
  • Dr. Norman Todd, Advisor to the Archbishop on Bishop’s Ministry
  • Peter Stringer, University of Belfast.
  • David Mills, Washington University.