Open Postgraduate Seminars: 1984 to the present, run regularly during term time and attracting students of the Centre as well as from Cybernetics and other disciplines within Brunel. They also, regularly attracted visitors, both academic and industrial, from outside Brunel.

Christian Leadership Development Group: 1984
One-day course on Learning-to-learn and the Church – 30 participants.

Prof. Don Bannister – Visiting Professor: 1984/86
Personal tutorials for CSHL students
Learning-to-Learn Workshops for Brunel Students: 1984/85

Series of open workshops February to March
with 15-20 students – sponsored by Derek Hope (Senior Counsellor).
Keenly supported by the students but discontinued through lack of funding.

Staff Development Seminars – Chemistry Dept. Brunel: 1985/86
Six seminars sponsored by Professor Bond with seven to ten of his staff attending.

Joint One-day Seminar on Self-Organised Learning and Personal Therapy –
by CSHL and the Personal Construct Psychology Centre: 1985
Over 75 people attended from education, hospitals, clinics, social services, industry and government.
– Very well received.

Self-Organised Learning, One-day seminar, Open University: 1985

British Psychological Society – Self-Organised Learning:
1986 Organised and led 5-day Conference on Self-Organised Learning
for Educational Psychologists.
Highly successful with plan for a repeat.

Development of Brunel Diploma in Self-Organised Learning: 1987/90
Extensive work on the development and re-development of this diploma and submissions to Degrees Committee.
Keen interest shown by industry and education.
Diploma finally rejected by the Senate Degrees Committee.

Learning-to-Learn Workshops for Brunel Students: 1988/89
Sponsored again by Derek Hope. About 35 students attended.
Inadequate funding still a problem.

British Psychological Society – Self-Organised Learning: 1989
Special conference for educational psychologists
– eventual follow-on from the 1986 conference.

CSHL Don Bannister Memorial Seminars: 1989 – present.
These have been very well attended, and have attracted highly qualified professional audiences.
The following seminars have been held:

  • “Paradigms for Research into Human Learning” by Dr. Miller Mair
  • “A View of Human Learning” by Professor Rom Harre
  • “Action Learning for the Year 2000” by Emeritus Professor Reg. Revans

“Self-Organised Learning” – One-day seminar
for the Management Centre at the Polytechnic of Central London: 1989

Five Workshops on Self-Organised Learning at the First World Congress on Action Research and Process Management in Brisbane:1990
All workshops were attended to maximum capacity,
and S-O-L ideas and results made a great impact at the Congress.

Five additional seminars
run for staff of both Griffith and Queensland Universities. Australia

Self-Organised Learning – National Seminar for Staff of Colleges of Further Education: 1991
Over 60 senior staff attended.

A study carried out by the Head of Learning Resources at Solihull College of Technology showed the seminar to have been highly successful and a follow-up is to be planned.