The general usefulness of the MA(R)4S and the PLC techniques is explained before demonstrating the more specific techniques that enable you to investigate Personal Meaning, Learning Activity and The Perceptual Set.
There are three main methods of clarifying and Improving the Quality and Nature of:
Personal Meaning
Clarifying the ideas in one’s head using:
A1. Repertory Grid Techniques
B1. Structure of Meaning
C1. Charting
Learning Activity
Talkback through learning activity using:-
A2. Observational Records of Learning Behaviour
B2. Video Recordings
C2. Computer Simulators
Perceptual Set
Talkback through perceptual process using:-
A3. Increasing insight into which senses are being used
B3. Experimenting with how other senses can be added
C3. Use Hierarchical Analysis to reveal awareness of different
Four sets of handouts we used to publicise our Apple software during the 1980s are available
Personal Meaning
When we talk about Personal Meaning we are referring to something which is unique to the individual, but it is partly unknown to them (i.e. it is in their subconscious). It therefore requires special techniques to enable the individual to explore how their experience is stored as their Personal Meaning.
Learning Activity
When the individual acts on the basis of their Personal Meaning they do so in various ways to achieve certain consequences. These may be practical skills, various forms of conversation , manual skills or artistic performance.
Perceptual Set
Whatever the activity, the individual will have expectations of its consequences. These may be perceived in a wide variety of ways. Partly through the obvious senses but also in many other ways of which the individual is often unaware.