CSHL Publications

1998 Assessment and Learning A conversational exploration of the relationship between the assessment of managers and their learning PhDs Laurence Solkin
1997 Experimenting with Self-Organised Learning for Organisational Learning Growth – a Person-Centred Approach PhDs Andrew Taylor
1997 A Learning Conversation Approach for Teacher Appraisal and Professional Development PhDs Norma Hadfield
1997 Monitoring and Reflecting in Teacher Training: A Personal Construct Theory Approach Chapters in Books Laurie Thomas
1997 Conversational Structures in Organisation Learning: A Self-Organised Learning Approach to Counselling PhDs Lynette Moira Van Rheede Van Oudtshoorn
1996 A Study of a ‘Conversational Paradigm’ Approach to Psychotherapy: With Specific Reference to Cybernetic Concepts and Neuro-Linguistic Programming MPhils Ludwig Vogel
1996 Body, Belief And Learning: An Experiential Investigation MPhils Richard Ives
1996 Design and conversational evaluation of an information technology learning environment based on self-organised-learning PhDs Steve Coombes
1996 More Change from the Bill’ Using Self-Organised Learning in Organisational Change within the Metropolitan Police PhDs Charles Holleyman
1996 Dimensions of Embodiment: Towards a Conversational Science of Human Action PhDs David M Mills