CSHL Publications

1995 Learning to Change Published Books Ian Webb, Sheila Harri-Augstein
1995 The Post Office Final Report Private Reports Laurie Thomas, Sheila Harri-Augstein
1994 Self-Organised Learning (2nd Edition) Published Books Laurie Thomas, Sheila Harri-Augstein
1994 Conversational uses of the Repertory Grid for Personal Learning and the Management of Change in Special Educational Needs PhDs Elizabeth A Cowne
1994 Teaching Competence a Personal Construct View PhDs Graham Johnson
1994 A Conversational Research into Self-Organisation and Literacy by Pupils with ‘Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties’ PhDs Hamid Sepehr
1994 Productive Learning A Study of Means and Methods of Integrating Language Learning, Educational Tech nology and Educational Options in the Production of Educational and Training Materials that Derive their Content, Form and Value from the Direct Experience of Learners’ Learning PhDs Terry Miles
1993 A study of Emerging Style in the Development of Constructive Conversations PhDs James S Hutton
1992 Towards Autonomy and ‘Responsibility for Learning’ in Organisations PhDs Mike van Oudtshoorn
1992 A Reflective Approach to Sport Psychology and Personal Construct Theory which includes a Study of a Group of International Rowers PhDs Roy Groves