CSHL Publications

1982 Learning Conversations: The Skill of Managing Personal and Interpersonal Learning Chapters in Books Laurie Thomas
1982 Course Evaluation and the Repertory Grid PhDs Roger F Beard
1982 Photography, Perception and Language: Towards a theoretical groundwork for image education MPhils Andrew McTaggart
1982 Grid Techniques and the Counselling Dialogue: Avoiding the Tramlines Conference Papers A D Jankowicz
1982 Conducting Learning Conversations with an Organisation Conference Papers Maurice Randall
1981 The Dynamics of Learning Conversations: A Self-Organised Approach to Management Development Chapters in Books Laurie Thomas, Sheila Harri-Augstein
1979 S-O-L and the Relativity of Knowing: Towards a Conversational Methodology Chapters in Books Laurie Thomas
1979 Conversational Investigations of Reading: The Self-Organised learner and the Text Chapters in Books Laurie Thomas, Sheila Harri-Augstein
1979 Construct, Reflect and Converse: The Conversational Reconstruction of Social Realities Chapters in Books Laurie Thomas
1978 Reflecting on Structures of Meaning: A Process of Learning-to-Learn Chapters in Books Laurie Thomas, Sheila Harri-Augstein